Images of Normality
Curated by Magali Avezou and Lalu Delbracio
“Images of Normality” is the result of a three days workshop run at Spazio Duale in collaboration with students of ISFCI – Institute of Photography.
This laboratory aimed at deconstructing cultural narratives and experiment with representation in a hand-on process. Through image making and bodily gestures, participants were invited to deconstruct ideas around normality.
In this process, they questioned notions of time, beauty and purity; as well as our relation to technology, food and the body.
The final exhibition brings this process into the gallery space in a series of images and actions performed by the participants on the opening night.
The overall experience also results in “La forchetta non poteva essere diversa da quella che è”, an over-sized publication produced during the workshop.
Participants: Vera Lucia Bernabe, Gabriele De Rossi, Carlotta Franco, Giulia Galletti, Flavia Piola.